Note to all persons who teach Self defence or martial arts or those who
just wish to learn how to defend themselves.
The Approach is a method that can be learnt in hours not years. It’
utilizes gross motor skills that are simplistic to deploy in any high
octane situation. The approach is both tried and tested and has been
taught by Guru Eddie Quinn across the world in various sectors
including Presidential body guard detachments to anti-poaching teams
in South Africa. Eddie is in my opinion is the ‘Go To person‘ for self
defence training. His CV and more importantly his life experiences
speak for themselves. There is no hierarchy in his classes (everybody is
valued as an equal) regardless of experience or grade. Above all Eddie is
a true Gentleman and I am happy to call him my friend.
Having done martial arts for well over 20 years, I still wasn’t fully
comfortable with the practical application of what I had been taught
historically. The hunt was on to find something different. After
purchasing one of Eddies DVD’s I knew there was a future for me with
the approach. A couple of weeks later I picked up the phone and called
him. I explained my feelings about my training etc.. we talked for nearly
an hour. We had a lot in common, I too had suffered a severe beating
from a number of thugs at an early age (certainly not to the level as
Eddie) but we had a lot in common. At this point I agreed to attend the
approach instructor’s course in October 2014 and have never looked
back. Im proud to be part of the approach family and I have made loads
of new Friends.
The core movements are a forehand strike and a backhand strike which
can be used as single strikes or in combination, the strikes are then
combined with footwork. The reason people reach a good standard very
quickly is that I relate the movements to what the human body does
naturally. I relate the forehand strike to a throwing movement, the
backhand strike to skimming a Frisbee and I then put it all together by
putting one foot in front of the other, in other words, walking!
Research has shown us that one of the reasons the human race has
survived is because of our ability to throw things; Rocks, spears to hunt
for food.
The Mother art of The Approach is Silat Fitrah, I have been studying
Silat for the past 21 years. Silat is a South East Asian martial art based
on blades and multiple attackers, The Approach was born using
principles from this art.
In the UK we are not allowed to carry Hammers, Baseball bats and
Blades legally on the street, however if you imagine your closed fist is a
hammer, your forearm a baseball bat and your elbows are blades then
you have your own legal versions!
The objective is to strike the attackers head. In Silat Fitrah one of its
main principles is; ‘If the elbows could they would’. If my attacker was
close I would use my elbows to strike, however as you well know, there
is often a large space before you get to the head. We fill this space with
hammer/forearm strikes, this can be with either a pre emptive strike or
we can be reactive and use this same strike to smash the oncoming
punch and then take the space so the elbows can get to the head.
Remember, whoever fills the space the best, wins the fight.
By Guru Eddie Quinn
As well as keeping in touch with Guru Eddie Quinn I returned in Oct
2015 to further validate my Approach instructor’s course with gaining a
level 3 instructors certificate. This was a joined venture between both
Eddie Quinn and NFPS (the awarding body) and Eddie’s teacher the
amazing Chris Parker. This was a very humbling experience to be
around so many amazing Martial Arts exponents with a huge wealth of
I have to be honest in the 2 courses mentioned above I have learnt
more in them 5 combined days in practical self defence that I have ever
learnt in my previous 20+ years of martial arts training.
I believe as instructors we need to stay humble and to always see
ourselves as a student of martial arts.
The approach has given our club further credibility for practical and
adaptive self defence. We offer ‘Approach self defence’ seminars.
Please use our contacts page if you are interested.
Thanks for reading